After some discussion and voting in the Council section, we've (hopefully) come up with a way to solve some clutter issues as well as to keep popular channels (ex: Warframe, Guild Wars 2) around for a time so it's less troublesome than creating a channel. The goal is simply have the TS on a monthly restart schedule, any channels set as Semi-Perm will be deleted at each restart, and to request 'permanent' channels - which can be approved, and as such, we would log to keep track of. Rules below:
- All Twitch channels to be set as Semi-Permanent.
- Request a 'permanent' channel - if approved, the channel will be added as Semi-Permanent and can be requested again the following month.
- Council Members/Teamspeak Specialists to log requests and approval of 'permanent' channels. (Helpful in case of restarts early in the month, easy restoration of channels as well as keeping track for below)
Watch for a new thread in the Member's Only section to request permanent channels.
Discussion in 'Frontpage News' started by Supplice, Jun 20, 2014.
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM