Sometime within the last 24 hours, the spawn town mining hut was griefed. All of our chests, forges, processors, food crafting tables, and several teleporters are gone. Random tunnel dug in front of door going down to the coal farm when someone removed all of the tar and broke the farm. Our big three way coal farm was also destroyed. There used to be a massive geyser of oil, but it appears someone climbed to the top and threw a firebomb inside of it and burned up all the tar when there is a sign that specifically says DO NOT DO THAT. So there is no more tar to farm coal and diamonds anymore. Spawn hut and fence has missing materials. Most of this is an obvious griefing, but I have also been seeing odd things going on with the server. Some of the missing materials (the spawn hut and fence in particular) could be some sort of database missing objects issue after today's update. Also noticed that there are doors that open up on their own when I am the only one on the server and have already carefully closed them several times, look away for a few minutes, and they are open again. This had led me to lock the server to visitors only until promoted by an admin. If it continues to be a problem I will add a password and only give it to close friends. Hopefully we will get full admin controls sometime soon with the ability to do world rollbacks. *sigh*