I would like to server space to run both of these games, if we have any. Quake III is a classic, and ReDead is a really neat Garry's Mod mode - of which there are currently no servers on the internet for :/
We have a UT2004 server? As for a GMod server... I tried getting a GMod server running way back, shortly after we first got the dedi and this site, so on so on - @Sandbag wasn't successful and was FURIOUS with it and I think is dead set on a hard no with anything Garry related. I couldn't be much help (and still can't) without more access and visibly seeing what's going on, what he's struggling with - at the least, communicating in TS. Otherwise, I'd likely be running a GMod server much like the Tekkit server to this day.
true. But I have a legal copy of Quake III and I don't of UT2k4 Anyway, if I'm setting up and running all the servers, then I doubt it would be much work for @Sandbag
Difference between getting it all configured and actually getting it up and running to be configured. Even I could have changed a few settings and installed plugins to have the server how I wanted it back then, but he couldn't even have it set up there - I don't see you having access to the dedi to set everything up, nor having the time to assuming it's as difficult as he made it out to be.
Anything Garry will never run on my server - he is a stain and I will NEVER support that douchebag. I'm trying to use the server space for free games atm - everyone can join in that way. Unless there is a game that is overwhelmingly desired I won't be changing that. You guys should DL Warsow. It's quakesque and a TONNE of fun.
You people really have the desire to get pwned by me, don't you. Apples and oranges, man. Apples and oranges. If you want to get into the details of it, Warsow is more like the mod CPMA that it is vanilla Q3. However, I digress. Warsow is fun.
Whoooaaaa, what prompted that response? I understand you had some issues with setting up the server, but CHRIST ALMIGHTY MAN. You're a true queen, aren't you? As for Warsow - internet is super slow, got lots of things to DL atm, but I'll work towards it. @Psycho - saw a post calling those games apples and oranges... an old post.. very old..... hmm...