I've been torturing myself with a broken wooden half back chair I regularly have to put together like a puzzle that pops out with the slightest lean back. The time has come to throw it in the fireplace and get an upgrade. So...anyone recommend a decent office chair under $175? What do you have? Just needs to be leather, comfortable and supportive for long sitting periods, adjustable and recline-able, and isn't cheap crap that will break. I'd like to find the best deal of course. I know nothing of possible "good brands" of chairs, or where to look. Amazon and BestBuy has a crap selection full of negative reviews about them all. So any ideas?
inb4 Saib's option, the DIY variant - because why sit when standing is better? I just get stuck with what I get personally. Can never afford anything good. Though I do have a decent wood chair that has some decentish cushions on it currently, came with a nice card table I got - nothing great like a big office chair, but it wouldn't fit in this closet anyway. Is going to something like an office store or some place where they sell such chairs and trying them out out of the question? It would be better than relying on opinions, I would think. I did have a big office chair that spun around an everything that I really liked until it got flung across the room during a seizure.... wasn't all leather and super special or anything, probably real cheap, hence why I would suggest just trying out some chairs and seeing if you can save some money - that thing lasted YEARS.
I mean we have a Best Buy? But I browsed their site and all the reviews were negative. Other than that just Wal-Mart or Target, which I don't expect to have much for good quality. I've always used whatever chair was laying around the house, I've never had to buy one. That's why I don't know where to look or how to find a good one haha.
Huh, you don't have something like Office Depot? I think we have one and the one time I was there they had a ton of different chairs around that you could literally just sit in. Best way to find out if it was good or not.
Yeah office stores. That's a demographic of people that do nothing but sit and look at screens. Go. Sit. Prosper. sent through the air using science
I was just wondering if there was a brand that is known to be "the best" like everything else in life @Sandbag Sent from Tapatalk on Android
Buy a $50 chair and slap a Apple/Razer/Microsoft/Intel/AMD/ASUS/MSI/some other company logo sticker on it and call it good. Whatever feels good to you, man, it's all personal preference.
You really need to find a store like Staples, Office Depot, etc. They have tons of computer chairs out that you can sit in and see what you like most. I love going there just to sit on the uber comfy chairs.