Same old wintersday events. Dailies have been re-worked, so now you are rewarded just for logging in, and get free stuff for doing little work in pve, pvp, and wvw. Monthlies will be non-existent after this month. You gotta love repeated events and how ridiculously easy and simple Anet wants to make their game since it was just so hard before.... New Daily System
I was wondering what that was about. Ash scored something just walkin around. sent through the air using science
If you havent read the patchnotes, there was also a big change to WvW. World vs. World The World vs. World Sneak Attack event begins December 16. For the next month of World vs. World, the following rules will apply: All player kills will award 1 point of world score. Using a finisher on a player while you have Borderlands Bloodlust will award 2 points. The white crossed swords that appear when an objective is under attack have been removed from all objectives in World vs. World. Now a player must scout the objectives in order to see them being attacked. All players will receive a Mist War Summons effect, which increases WXP gain by 15%, experience gain by 15%, and magic find by 50% while in WvW.