Discussion in 'APPLICATIONS to join {PR}' started by Sweath, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Sweath

    Sweath Phantom in Training {PR} Trainee

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    Hello everyone at Phantom Rapture!

    I'm sure some of you may know me. I have been gaming with a couple of you fellows in the past few years. Some of you may know me through Supplice (White Glint), been gaming with him for years now. I have been thinking of joining {PR} for quite a while now, however I have not actually applied as of now.

    So please consider me as a candidate! Thanks in advance!


    Age: 20

    Why do you want to join: To play with like minded people in a friendly community.

    How often do you play: 6-7 days a week.

    What time do you play: 8pm-10pm, most days (CST)

    What is your time zone: Central Standard Time

    Did someone ask you to join - if so who: Supplice

    Do you know any PR member/if yes,who: Supplice, Sandbag, and Construction Zombie

    Have you read our server rules: Yes

    Do you understand the rules: Yes

    Do you have a microphone and headphones: Yes

    Do you have Teamspeak 3: Yes

    Do you see yourself as a team player: Yes

    Can you take a joke: Yes

    Do you use Steam or Origin: Both
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Supplice

    Supplice He who flatters his superiors, betrays them. Council Member

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    Welcome to the {Phantom Rapture} gaming clan.

    Thank you for your application to {Phantom Rapture}, we are excited to get to know you. If you are less then 16 years old please use tags {prt}, if you are 16 or older please use tags {PRT} in front of your name to show you are a new recruit in training. The training process usually takes between 2 weeks to to a month. To reduce the amount of time before becoming a full member, be active in the forums, and come talk with us in TeamSpeak.

    Please visit this link to download TeamSpeak, if you do not already have it. Another good way to stay in contact with us is to join our Steam group at here

    If there are any questions you need answered, please find the admin contact info under the member's tab on the top banner of the site.

    Congratulations, and good luck.

    Welcome Sweath!

    About damn time you stop talking about it and do it, only took a bit of pushing. WELCOME TO THE CULT BROTHA.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Sandbag

    Sandbag Wanna buy a watch? Council Member

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    Took your time. When I first saw this I was thought "hasn't he done this yet?"

    VELCOME to the madhouse!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Blood

    Blood Watch Your Head {PR} Member

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    Welcome, dude!
    Avoid me at all costs. I'll corrupt you!