You have three options. Feel free to discuss the benefits of all of these options WITHOUT RESORTING TO SLINGING. Any slinging will be met with great force and furious anger. And you will know that my name is PsychoAco, when I lay down my vengeance upon thee.
Should be embed. I dont find it fair that we are fprces to suse something based on the heirachary of other members. I understand we joined this clan. None of us had to agree to saying you had to use this and this other than TS, Forums, etc. A lot of us need certain things to restrictions. Its not fair honestly. Id suggest a poll or feelings of others are seriously gonna get hurt. Sent from Skyrim
Embedding images is the way to go. Cuts out the annoying fuff of clicking links. although, depending on your internet connection it will effect the loading times on the page. And I'm thankfully not dead........... yet. :^)
I cant actually do the poll on my tapatalk. Youll just have to take my word. My apologies -.- Sent from Skyrim
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but before everyone got huffy, I thought the whole point was, we can't embed the images from some sites because they obfuscate stuff, and @Saiboogu doesn't have the time to write custom code for it? So, a poll won't magically make it work, or give him time to write custom code... I mean, people were against it for technical reasons, not because they didn't like it...
I don't know what you're talking about, Gorian.
I hate to point out that this poll will not help anything. As Gorian has noted, this isn't supported by the dev of our site. The only way you can overturn this is to get a majority of council members, because I'm with Saib on this one. Even then you will still need a dev to do the work Saib has no desire to do. Start your grieving, let it go, it's not happening.
I started the last thread so I could get feedback, and even with how it ended I saw a lot of people say they preferred to keep it. Looking closer at Gyazo, I probably can get it wrangled somehow. If I can get it embedded and skip the Gyazo page, I'm happy. Lets see how the poll goes.
It's easy to see which way the poll is going, and I had a free hour or two this morning. Lets test things out here - Post up some Gyazo links in the replies. Just the regular Gyazo link, it should auto-convert to an embed.
View: Not sure if a mobile link would convert.......oh well Sent from Skyrim
Evidently I skipped embedding the i.gyazo URLs. I'll check that next. Fixed, I believe. I'd welcome more tests of course, see if I missed situations.
View: Does it work? Using tap so i cant see for myself Sent from Skyrim
Dont knoe if it makes a dif but i.get a media=gyazo unsupported video error on my tapatalk. Just a heads up Sent from Skyrim