Today brings the final addition to this season's Living Story, titled "The Aftermath." View: "After a year of turmoil, months of anticipation, and weeks of bitter struggle, we have succeeded: Scarlet Briar is no more. Now is the time to tend to the wounded and begin the long process of rebuilding." Scarlet Defeated During the battle for Lion's Arch, brave heroes reclaimed the city, battled through Scarlet's defenses to gain access to her airship, and faced down Scarlet in one last encounter - but not quickly enough. Scarlet has been killed, but Tyria is not safe. Aftermath Even with Scarlet defeated, the road to recovery will be a long one for the city of Lion's Arch and her people. Log in today to view the fallout of the battle! Beginning March 18, 2014 At long last, the siege of Lion’s Arch has been broken and Scarlet’s reign of terror is at an end. Despite Scarlet’s death, all is not well: Lion’s Arch is little more than a smoldering husk, citizens are still camped near Vigil, the Durmand Priory, and Stormbluff Isle, and the cost of victory was high. Despite the wrath of Scarlet’s troops, Lion’s Arch still stands. The Lionguard is attempting to keep looters out of the ruins. After the Storm Lion’s Arch will always remember those heroes who rallied to her defense and freed her from Scarlet’s grasp. Three makeshift memorials have been raised to honor the fallen, praise heroes, and attempt to reunite separated families. Services have not been moved back into Lion’s Arch, which currently plays home to looters and ashes. While the city is free, the road to recovery is uncertain and fraught with difficulty. At the Dead End Bar Marjory, Kasmeer, Rox, Braham, and Taimi are gathered at the Dead End Bar in Divinity’s Reach. Visit them to check in and see how they’re faring in the aftermath of the final battle against Scarlet. Your friends are gathered in the Dead End Bar. A grave threat is waking. History Made Scarlet’s war raged from the peaks of the frozen Shiverpeaks to the depths of the Maguuma jungle, spreading ruin throughout Tyria in pursuit of one grand scheme. Even as she died, Scarlet’s plan succeeded. WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Starting on March 28 and running through May 30, we’ll be hosting the WvW Spring Tournament 2014! Worlds will be split up into leagues and battle against other worlds in their league for ultimate dominance! Prepare for an epic struggle in the Mists! Patch Notes Note: Today ends loot drops for heirlooms and found belongings, as well as removed all the the traders to redeem items with the items.
Just wanted to add that there is literally nothing fun added to do in this event. No achievements either. All you do is regroup with the heroes of the story in Divinities Reach and talk about the aftermath of the battle against scarlet and rumors of her successfully "awakening" something. Conversations are slow and boring, but you get a nice reward for listening to it all. You can go into Lion's Arch, enemies are gone, and the city lies in ruins. Other than that, it is basically a story closing stall, setting the world to rest in preparation for the WvW tournament. Which is fine, so people will be focused on WvW instead of story content.