Big Update for DayZ Standalone!

Discussion in 'DayZ Standalone' started by Abaddon, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Abaddon

    Abaddon Your Worst Nightmare Council Member

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    "DayZ has been constantly receiving content updates, new gameplay features and bug fixes at a rapid pace. The upcoming week is no exception to the rule, and the massive expansion of the DayZ development team is dully noticeable. March is the month of survival in DayZ, and most features introduced over the past week (mostly to the experimental branch, not the stable), as well as the upcoming upgrades to the zombie survival game will be focused on emphasizing this feeling. The standalone feels like a different game each month, and while the initial impression that there’s not too much to do in DayZ is not entirely gone yet, it’s definitely fading away on the horizon.

    So what’s coming this week? Well, based on the latest DayZ devblog, the most important change is an upgrade to how collision works. Fixing collision was always a priority for Rocket’s team, and we’re finally seeing some results. First of all, you can kiss shooting collision bugs goodbye. If you were annoyed by Mosin bullets hitting invisible obstacles while shooting prone, you’ll be glad to hear that the problem has been ironed out. The 0.37 patch fixes multiple collision issues, and will most likely also set up the game for more complex and less-buggy zombies.

    Additionally, the patch will introduce the new physics system to DayZ, even if only to the experimental branch at first. It’s an initial version of the physics engine, but the prospects make us exceedingly optimistic. You’ll be able to throw objects, drag items and see ragdoll effects. The physics system is also an important step towards the introduction of vehicles, which will likely see daylight in about 2-3 months’ time. Client performance, server-side performance and general quality of life upgrades are included in the massive 0.37 update, which doesn’t have an exact change-log right now, due to on-going development.

    Still, survival cooking is definitely on the list. Different fireplaces and cooking recipes will make it to DayZ during the next two weeks (depending on when the large patch lands), giving players more choice when it comes to chow and combating hunger. Combat is also getting tweaked, with the introduction of the bow and arrow, as well as throwable items. Perhaps we’ll be seeing grenades and explosives in the future too, but Rocket hasn’t officially mentioned these yet. The introduction of the bow and the new cooking system hints at the development of the hunting system as well, and we’ll soon be able to hunt wildlife (and freshspawns) properly. I can already foresee the amounts of “arrow to the knee” jokes this system will spawn.

    In any case, the new DayZ patch will be progressively introduced to experimental, and a major patch is expected to hit stable servers this Wednesday. We love the direction DayZ is going, and we’re being shown signs that the really big goals (vehicles and base-building) are getting closer with each passing day. If you haven’t played DayZ in awhile, this week is a great time to return to the running simulator. There will definitely be a lot to discover and try out."

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  2. Saiboogu

    Saiboogu Reality continues to ruin my life Council Member

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    I've been playing almost exclusively experimental branch, with everything that was supposed to be .37 last week and some new updates since.. It's pretty nice. Liking experimental better anyway - because of the limited server selections and lack of loot respawning, it seems to me that folks spread out more over the map. I have a lot more player encounters on experimental, without having to hang in the Balota deathmatch.
  3. Supplice

    Supplice He who flatters his superiors, betrays them. Council Member

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    Lack of loot respawning? Doesn't sound very enjoyable.
  4. Saiboogu

    Saiboogu Reality continues to ruin my life Council Member

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    Loot only spawns on server restart. Zombies were the same way until the current patch -- that might not have even made it to stable branch yet, not sure. It's early days - we're still about a year from final.

    Edit -- It's really not that bad, unless you're trying to get out of Elektro on a busy server. I'm fine with them not touching respawning loot until they've figured out how to bust farming.
  5. Supplice

    Supplice He who flatters his superiors, betrays them. Council Member

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    Ahhh, okay, that makes a bit more sense then. In that case, sounds like I could enjoy holding up somewhere and killing anyone that got near me...
  6. Saiboogu

    Saiboogu Reality continues to ruin my life Council Member

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  7. Cryzark

    Cryzark little lady wants away from your stench Specialist

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