Hello as you all may know I am New to the community here I am currently working to assist Supplice with the OverPoch server but he takes all the work.. So I was simply curious if there were any groups and or individuals who are currently still playing GW2 I haven't played it for over 2 years and wouldn't mind getting back into it.. And would love for someone to show me the ropes again..
Yes I still play and could train you. What classes do you play and what levels? I mained thief for over a year for PvE and WvW, and have been recently maining guardian for WvW only the last year for my guild. I run my warrior for dungeons and thief for fractals. I also have a necro maxed that I am comfortable with and have faught against and played engi and ranger long enough to understand how to play them. Mesmer and ele I have no idea... I typically only do WvW with my fight guild now days. I love the hardcore competetive GvG and organized outnumbered fights aspect of the game - its a blast. I also tend to do dungeon runs for quick gold. I have world completion so I know PvE just fine. Recently just moved to HoD like a week ago so if you want to play some competitive WvW and learn to GvG you are more than welcome to join. My guild would love to have you and are willing to train you. There are many gamers in PR that have it and played it, but the only ones Ive seen playing recently are Hellica, Psycho, and Sandbag. Psycho mains ranger and engi and loves PvE and dailies (scrub), Sandbag mains ele and necro and prefers WvW. I think everyone is still on DB atm but I think Sandbag will be following our guild to HoD. Im sure garler will be back now that he has interwebs again. I started my own guild for PR on DB so you can be invited to that just to see us all, even though it is completely inactive. It just serves as a friends list and extra bank now. My IGN and builds can be found below, I nerd hard to this game. Keep in mind metas will change drastically with the expansions new specializations, trait lines, CCs and conditions. My Builds
I'll be back in once i get my internet up. I enjoy everything abaddon does including long walks on the beach. And some pve
Well basically lets put it like this imagine i have just purchased the game and i know nothing.. lol bc after i played that i switched back to WoW which my knowledge is on that.. so lets just say i'm starting fresh.. haha
What classes are you interested in trying and what do you want to focus on? Do you tend to enjoy PvE exploration and fighting bosses and challenging dungeons? Or do you tend to prefer PvP stuff challenging your skills against other skilled players?
I'm more of a PvE person when it comes to Mmo's.. but never rlly tried pvp with an action mmo.. And i've always been the type to run main classes like healer or tank.. but if dps def. a ranged AoE type of guy..
Race doesn't matter. I think they have race traits but I don't believe they effect professions. I had a chart ele haha. It's all preference. My favorite ie charr Correct me if I'm wrong on the race traits abaddon. Been awhile since I've played
For the love of god dont roll a ranger... Necro would be best for AOE burst or conditions while still having a bit of tankiness, Ele takes more skill and responsibility as you have to drop AOE dps while being stuck in place and also being responsible for healing your team throughout the fight. Sandbag is good on ele talk to him about it if you are up for the challenge. If you like melee at all I would highly recommend guardian as you can take damage like a boss, deal massive numbers, and heal your team and give tons of buffs and stability. It's the most OP class in the game. For PvE you have several option: 1. There's the boring map completion stuff, lots of stuff to do there. 2. Then you have your dungeons which usually consists of stacking and spamming all skills and are usually filled with elitist dickheads who kick people who aren't running full glass berserker and cant pass on first attempt, so a solid group of friends is essential for learning unless you use the lfg to find other noobs and make it clear its your first time beforehand. There are some that you can complete in under 10 minutes with a skilled group, so its a great way to make quick easy gold. 3. Finally you have fractals which is like dungeons on crack. It is a series of 3 dungeons that are EXTREMELY difficult, have tons of puzzles, and require a ton of teamwork. After completing the 3 dungeons you finish by fighting a boss fractal. It usually takes several hours to complete. There are 70 levels of fractals ranged on difficulty, you get higher rewards the higher the level (such as ascended gear and fractal weapon skins) but higher levels require ascended armor upgraded with "agony resistance" in order to survive enemies attacks. It's quite complicated and is very endgame for PvE players. I've put like 1700+ hours into the game and am only ~level 20 in fractals haha. You can learn more about fractals on the fractals thread: http://www.pr-gaming.net/threads/fractals-of-the-mists-everything-you-need-to-know.767/ For PvP you have the arena PvP mode which is timed match, 5v5 capture points and hold them, and is made up of a lot of 1v1 fighting. Then you have World vs. World which is a never-ending server vs. server massive scale combat sieging your way in and capturing and defending towers and keeps on an open world map. This is endgame stuff and is what I live for. Here's a few videos as an example of WvW: My current guild trying to take an enemy tower and being extremely outnumbered: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOCUlAtKX88&feature=youtu.be My old guild with a much more skilled commander, probably one of the best NA imo: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4py-KDbsXMM A quick fight with my old guild - no sound: View: https://youtu.be/ADUeXwgbtZU And here's an example of what it's like in Tier 1, numbers are crazy and this guard is good: View: https://youtu.be/vBVmuKST99M Then you have your GvG's in WvW which is much more hardcore to prove who is the better guild. Here is the the number 1 fight guild in the world [Agg] taking on the number 2 [NS] in a 15v15: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHGsEmKp9zc It can matter depending on the class you choose. Each race has race specific skills than may or may not improve how you play your class. But I'm pretty sure most meta builds don't include racial skills, there is usually a better elite available for all races.
What server you on by the way? And this game is much different than tradition MMO's. For one, there is not stationary combat. You must be constantly dodging and kiting and aiming your attacks. There also isn't such thing as a "healer." If you were to say there was one, it would be a guardian wearing full clerics gear (toughness vitality and healing power), and spamming heal skills. But even fully spec'd in healing you do little to no healing to make a difference and do barely any damage. There is a cutoff where specing into healing (not sure what it is) and toughness (at 3000) makes almost no difference and you loose other stats that would be more beneficial. Which is why most people on guard run a mix of tanky and damage while still having the ability to moderately heal their party members. On top of the good damage you can do, you can spec a guardian to heal every dodge roll, give regeneration from a utility skill, an op healing elite skill, and 2 heal skills on staff, which is enough. Hammer on a secondary weapon set gives more regeneration, condi clears, and cc's, making the hammer staff guard the closest to a "healer." Ele's have 2 skills on their staff's water attunement refered to as a "small water" and "big water" which is an aoe combo field that grants very small passive healing and others can use their own skills to "blast" the water field to give a burst of extra healing for everyone nearby. This is simply a staff skill and since it is not them doing the healing, there is no need to wear healing gear as it doesn't help. Most Ele's run full glass berserker gear for their bomb skill (fire 5) that does insane damage. But yeah, this is how heals are primarily done in GW2, not by one person, but by an Ele dropping a water combo field and everyone in the group stacking up and blasting it all at once. More on combo fields and blast finishers here: http://www.guildwars2hub.com/features/editorials/combo-fields-and-finishers
The only reason that I still have a ranger is to switch it to Druid when the expansion comes out. So really, just main engi. Plus, I haven't played seriously for a while. Too busy with . I'll run some dungeons with people if I have time to do so. Also, go suck a bag of dicks.
Okay so i installed it and come to find out my toons were wipe so i'm literally starting fresh go me.. so give me a world and i'll be there and give me a role that is needed and i'll play it.. i'm more looking to play this with anyone from here bc i have no outside friends to play with lmao.. And i have an understanding of an Action Mmo i played Tera so action isn't an issue..
I only left you all cause literally no one but Sandbag plays WvW and we can all PvE together regardless of what server so I followed the peeps I play with. May not be able to help you tonight, guild has training and a GvG against some people talking mad lol. Join Henge of Denravi if you wanna WvW at some point with us. Watch some vids on each class and decide what role you wanna play. You could even make several fresh characters and get through tutorial and jump straight into PvP and get access to all skills and see what its all about. Althought they might have a min level requirement entering PvP now not sure. For Roles: Heavies-frontline tanky dps (warriors and guardians). Lights-backline glass cannons that rain hell on the enemy, protected by frontline (necos and eles). Medium-gank squad, pick off the enemy backline, harass and troll the enemy, usually either glass to gank or straight tanky to troll (thieves, mesmers, rangers, engis)