"We’re proud to announce the third free expansion module for Neverwinter, Curse of Icewind Dale. In this third update, coming later this spring, players can enjoy new PvE content and new features that will bring completely different ways to PvP. We’re very excited about how PvP will be expanding and transforming in Module 3: Curse of Icewind Dale and we know you’ll enjoy all the PvE content in the upcoming expansion as well. We can’t wait to reveal more! Leading up to the official launch of Module 3, we’ll be updating this blog multiple times a week with more information about the new features included in the content update. Here's a full list of features you can expect to see in Curse of Icewind Dale. Please note that this content is currently in development and is subject to change." See More View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=F8XNqF9rH2s
i don't play neverwinter... but man, such nostalgia for icewind dale! I grew up playing that game. http://www.gog.com/game/icewind_dale_complete
You should try it on Neverwinter then, you will probably enjoy the flashbacks. It's a great game for FTP and quite fun.
I might have too. So busy with the tekkit server these days (lots of fun, come join us! ), but maybe I'll try out neverwinter and join you guys if i see you playing
We all used to be obsessed with Neverwinter for a while, but then some of us started playing GW2 which is quite similar but a hundred times better imo. It's all I play now. I'd like to get back into Neverwinter though just for the fact that everyone can get it and we can all play together and not everyone can afford Gw2. And Minecraft just isn't my thing, never has, never will be. But cheers to you guys and your work on the server for those who enjoy playing it.
Actually, there's this huge thing happening with the D&D Universe. Since they are releasing the new version of the tabletop game, there are going to be events in all of the different media that D&D is in, most likely including Neverwinter. Just wait until the release of D&D Next, which should be sometime this summer.
hmm... got any info? I have been happy with 3.5... haven't even touched 4... why do we need ANOTHER iteration?
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/new...ce-Tyranny-of-Dragons-Will-Launch-This-Summer http://www.escapistmagazine.com/new...ons-Next-Release-Date-New-Product-Leak-Update