Might as well start something. I reorganized my files and Google Drive a bit, it got a bunch of screenies into Google Photos, so old stuff is popping up in my photos feed with auto enhancements. Anyway, thought the colors really popped on this one after the tweaks, looks good
Lucky day! First I've run into them in SA. Bunch of ammo and weapon attachments - didn't give me all that much, but still cool.
Panorama of the new industrial city up north. Forgot that I should switch to 1st before taking the shots, so my character is weird. Kinda funny.
Definitely. Every update I get more impressed - tons of stuff are still just placeholders from the mod days and they're constantly replacing with new models that all look incredible. Really looking forward to the lighting improvements. There's already some in - for instance, flashlights in the daylight. Useless little gimmick, but it's just such a realistic looking washed out glow.
Trying different software, and cropping.. 1st or 2nd? I dig the straight crop, just wish it didn't cut off the trees on the right. Guess I'm really asking - do the images look any different otherwise?
I prefer the first, maybe with some kind of torn out of a magazine messy scrapbook styled border. Sent from Tapatalk on Android
I get what you're saying. Take more skill on my part to make that look good, I think. I'll try and figure out how to do that best. Final take on the pano, promise! Software from the 2nd shot (better quality, I think), and fill / editing. There ya go
Started developing a hardcore character for photojournalism.. Been too focused on survival, though, to get far. Did get some video of a bit of PvP and showing off the new ragdolling: Magnum beats SKS for CQB View: http://www.gfycat.com/OptimalPitifulFirecrest View: http://www.gfycat.com/PoliteReasonableKinkajou A two for one - I think I hit her in the back of the head and deflected her attack onto him: View: http://www.gfycat.com/MasculineMagnificentDutchsmoushond Don't mind the bad aim, I've realized I'm terrible at melee in first person. Plus Zelenogorsk has terrible FPS, which doesn't help.
I love the reaction to the first shot - "You shot me in the ass?" Then dead. View: http://www.gfycat.com/UniqueOrganicImperialeagle