Maybe I'm scanning through this too fast, but all these commands I'm seeing, are they typed in to the UBCD program to be made into a bootable flash drive? Here I was thinking I would need to use some tools while booting off Ubuntu or something....
Don't scan, read. The instructions are for loading the tools onto a CD/USB. Then you reboot to that and run the diagnostics.
So just follow this page: ? Seems easy enough. Do I need to take a look at that tutorials page, though?
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\aaron>cd \ubcd\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb The system cannot find the path specified. C:\Users\aaron>cd Desktop\ubcd\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb C:\Users\aaron\Desktop\ubcd\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb>ubcd2usb c:\ubcd d: /f UBCD2USB: Creating bootable UBCD memory stick ... UBCD2USB: *WARNING* YOUR USB KEY IS ABOUT TO BE REFORMATTED! UBCD2USB: *WARNING* YOUR USB KEY CONTENTS WILL BE LOST! Press any key to continue, press 'Ctrl+C' to abort. UBCD2USB: Formatting USB KEY... Insert new disk for drive D: and press ENTER when ready... The type of the file system is FAT32. QuickFormatting 3.7 GB Initializing the File Allocation Table (FAT)... Format complete. 3.7 GB total disk space. 3.7 GB are available. 4,096 bytes in each allocation unit. 975,611 allocation units available on disk. 32 bits in each FAT entry. Volume Serial Number is 7693-4977 UBCD2USB: Making USB KEY bootable... Accessing physical drive: Access is denied. Did not successfully update the MBR; continuing... UBCD2USB: Copying files to USB KEY... File not found - * 0 File(s) copied (ERROR) Missing 'd:\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb\ubcd2usb.cmd' (script did not run successfully) C:\Users\aaron\Desktop\ubcd\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb> Not sure what do.
look at where it failed and troubleshoot what happened/didnt happen. then triple check what should happen against what did happen, as well as what you did to make it happen. Rinse repeat until you find the answer
Seeing as I HAVE the file, clearly, the only thing I can find to even try is running command prompt in administrator mode - and I can't figure out how to cd to the desktop with that, and would rather not put the folder in system32 just to do this? Hoping this isn't an issue with Windows 8 either...
Getting closer I suppose. This eliminates the 'access is denied' now that I figured out how to use the cd command properly... Ignore the first bit, all that cd spam, that was me figuring it out. Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\WINDOWS\system32>c:\windows 'c:\windows' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd c:\windows c:\Windows>cd c:\ c:\>cd c:\Users\aaron\Desktop c:\Users\aaron\Desktop>cd Desktop The system cannot find the path specified. c:\Users\aaron\Desktop>cd c:\Users\aaron\Desktop\ubcd\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb c:\Users\aaron\Desktop\ubcd\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb>ubcd2usb c:\ubcd d: /f UBCD2USB: Creating bootable UBCD memory stick ... UBCD2USB: *WARNING* YOUR USB KEY IS ABOUT TO BE REFORMATTED! UBCD2USB: *WARNING* YOUR USB KEY CONTENTS WILL BE LOST! Press any key to continue, press 'Ctrl+C' to abort. UBCD2USB: Formatting USB KEY... Insert new disk for drive D: and press ENTER when ready... The type of the file system is FAT32. QuickFormatting 3.7 GB Initializing the File Allocation Table (FAT)... Format complete. 3.7 GB total disk space. 3.7 GB are available. 4,096 bytes in each allocation unit. 975,611 allocation units available on disk. 32 bits in each FAT entry. Volume Serial Number is 3A21-6ADB UBCD2USB: Making USB KEY bootable... UBCD2USB: Copying files to USB KEY... File not found - * 0 File(s) copied (ERROR) Missing 'd:\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb\ubcd2usb.cmd' (script did not run successfully) c:\Users\aaron\Desktop\ubcd\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb>
This is a huge pain in the arse, I've tried everything and can't get it to work properly - but I can create an ISO. Either of you know if just putting an ISO in the formatted flash drive will work or if I HAVE to follow this method? I can not find ANYTHING helpful about this.
Try this to load an iso to USB
The selected file is not a valid ISO file. Please select a valid ISO file and try again. EDIT: Possibly because this only supports the Windows 7 ISO bought from the Microsoft store... Was wondering why it wouldn't even take the WinXPHome ISO I made.... Now looking for a new loader of sorts.
Couldn't find the screenshot I took, but now that I got this working, let's see if you can tell me if any of this is bad... I really don't know how to use this, really need some help. Name Val Worst Raw Read error rate 112 99 49414800 Spin up time 100 100 0 Number of spin-up times 99 99 1338 Reallocated sectors count 100 100 0 Seek error rate 81 60 139709891 Power-on time 84 84 14386 Spin-up retries 100 100 0 Start/stop count 100 100 521 Unknown 100 100 0 Unknown 100 100 0 Unknown 100 100 0 Unknown 100 100 0 Unknown 88 88 12 Unknown 65 60 589496355 HDA Temperature 35 40 35 Hardware ECC recovered 51 24 49414800 Current pending sectors 100 100 0 Offline scan UNC sectors 100 100 0 Ultra ATA CRC Error Rate 200 200 0 Rough looking table of what I got looking at the SMART attributes. No idea if that's what you need. Also off to the left I see Att # and then numbers that from top to bottom go 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199. EDIT: Didn't notice it continues a few more lines. Att # 240 Unknown 100 253 16485 Att # 241 Unknown 100 253 706580149 Att # 242 Unknown 100 253 1094217228
Otherwise Google hdd smart attributes how to diagnose a failed hdd Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
This is a bit out of my league, gramps. I don't understand any of it really. I just want to know if I can save my HDD or if I need to start looking at repair stuff... $200 to fix this is a bit pricey...
So far all google has really done for me is tell me what some of these attributes mean, not what to do if I have bad results or if it means that my drive is bad necessarily, or if I'm reading it as a bad result necessarily. I really do need somebody that knows more about this to explain it better to me.
here look up Crystal Disk Info software to look up the smart attr.... i need to know ID's of the SMART to tell ur HDD
Yep, talked to Acorn some about it, he thinks the Windows update messed me up and suggested reformatting. Doing that now, was going to obtain Win 7 for a little while until I can buy it, but just using a copy of XP my uncle has. Having a sinking feeling I would be limited to 4GB of RAM though... Also, it's formatting is really slow.