F.A.Q. & Tips

Discussion in 'Creativerse' started by Abaddon, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. Abaddon

    Abaddon Your Worst Nightmare Council Member

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    Getting Started

    Offical Dev Website
    Offical Creativers Forums
    Official F.A.Q.

    Trouble finding the server with the search function?
    Try searching "Abaddon," or adding me or other players on Steam to see what servers your friends are playing.

    Is it really free-to-play or pay-to-win?
    Yes, it's a fully free-to-play model with no content locks to the base game. You can can purchase coins to spend in the cash shop, which only sells "premium" blocks for coins at this time. They used to also sell blueprints but as of R31 blueprints are completely free (craft-able) and you have the choice to farm the materials or spend coins to get all the blocks instantly. You can also speed up your land claiming expansions by spending coins on claims rather than farmed materials.

    Useful Tips & Tricks You May Not Know
    You can change your character’s look in the account settings on the main menu.

    Lay down your touchstone to teleport to it at your leisure. You can lock it to prevent strangers porting to it but it is open to all by default.

    Sending "//" in chat gives you the cords to your current location. "/who" shows players currently in the world.

    You can rename and set permissions on all your chests and machines including forges, processors, and teleporters. (Permissions are buggy and not always working)

    You can claim land and set permission for an entire 64x64 block of land and everything above and below it. Press "m" to bring up your map and click the lot you want. Choose claim with the required resources in your inventory, and confirm. You now own that land and can set permissions for all visitors and add a banner for people to see while crossing onto your land.

    Ore nodes can only be harvested with extractors. Advanced extractors take half the time and return twice as much ores as regular extractors. Super extractors take half the time and return twice as much ores as advanced extractors.

    TNT will not destroy ore nodes, just natural terrain blocks.

    Picking up terrain blocks that are two levels under your power cell will not use up its durability (crafted items and blocks will always use durability).

    There are 3 levels of heat for the forge that determine the time it takes to smelt. Leaves, wood, and lava give 1 flame, coal and sulfer gives 2 flames, and corrupted wood gives 3 flames.

    You can press "r" to toggle block rotation mode, and hold "r" while holding left click and dragging mouse to rotate objects.

    Left shift + left drag to move half a stack (formerly one item)
    Left shift + right click to move five items
    Left ctrl + right click to move one item

    You can pin recipes to your screen to track what you are missing by clicking the "track" checkmark in the upper right of the crafted object picture in your crafting menu.

    You don't always have to use crafting progression to unlock recipes, some can be learned by simply picking up or transferring a friends items into your inventory. Others are found by mob drops and treasure chests only.

    Water can be picked up with an obsidian cell and above and placed. It can be created by putting hardened lava next to an ice or snow block.

    Coral grows on mud blocks close to water. Wax grows on Queen Bee's place on top of 2 raw wood blocks.

    You can pickup and use Rimecones and throw them as a very strong ranged weapon.

    Throwing a firebomb on tar turns it to lava. Throwing an ice bomb on tar turns it to coal nodes. Throwing a firebomb on coal nodes turns them to diamond nodes. Throwing a fire bomb on hardened lava turns it to lava. Throwing an ice bomb on lava turns it to hardened lava. Throwing a fire bomb on sand creates salt.

    Healing beacons and purification bombs can be used to turn corrupted blocks into their regular counterpart while in the corrupted layer. Corruption bombs turns regular blocks into their corrupted counterpart (only stone/dirt/wood/leaves/water) and corruption will spread. Throwing purification bombs on water turns it into healing water.

    You can't drown in healing water (works great for water elevators).

    You can summon a rare gigantic Rockstar mob called "Rockzilla"

    Terrain blocks from specific layers will spawn those specific mobs on the surface. No crafted blocks spawn mobs.

    A rare mob in the corruption called "The Thing" drops the rarest recipes in the game, including the super extractor.

    All mobs are scared of liquids and will not enter into pools after you.

    Gas lamps are the brightest lighting in the game.

    The Arctek Chest and the Grand Arctek Chest have the same amount of slots, but the regular Arctek Chest is cheaper to make. This is because all chest sizes were increased across the board and the current UI is incapable of adding any more slots to the Grand Chest, so it stayed at 24 slots while the regular was bumped up to 24 slots.

    AFK-ing for more than 10 minutes will kick you from the world.
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  2. Abaddon

    Abaddon Your Worst Nightmare Council Member

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    Chat Commands:
    Returns a list of the available commands.

    Returns a list of everyone currently playing in your world.

    Gives your current world coordinates in the (x, y, z) format which means ((east-west, height, north-south) from the center of the map)

    Shows your current permissions level (visitor, builder, mod, admin, or owner).

    Used by a player with visitor status to request a promotion to builder.

    /ignore username command added to mute chat from specific players

    For Mods and Admins:
    /mute numberofminutes
    Brings up a list of players in the world that may be muted; they will be unable to send chat messages for as long as you specify. The default is 5 minutes.

    /kick numberofminutes
    Brings up a list of players in the world that may be kicked out of the world; they will be unable to re-join for as long as you specify. The default is 5 minutes.

    For Admins Only:
    /promote admin/mod/builder/visitor
    Brings up a list of players in the world and allows setting a player's permission level.

    Brings up a list of players in the world that may be banned from the world; they will not be able to join again unless they are unbanned.

    Brings up a list of banned players that may be unbanned.

    /setspawn command added for world owners and admins to set a specific spawning location for new players that enter a world
  3. Abaddon

    Abaddon Your Worst Nightmare Council Member

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  4. Abaddon

    Abaddon Your Worst Nightmare Council Member

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    New chat features (as of 2/24/16)
    “/w (playername) (message)” -- send a whisper message to another player
    “/r (message)” -- whisper back (reply) to a player that just sent you a whisper
    “/party invite (playername)” -- invite a player to a party
    “/party accept” or “/party decline” -- accept or decline a party invitation
    “/party kick (playername)” -- kick a player out of the party
    “/party leave” -- leave your current party
    “/p (message)” -- chat to only members of your party
  5. Abaddon

    Abaddon Your Worst Nightmare Council Member

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    New pet commands as (as of R31)
    “Y” orders nearby pets to follow; can also highlight one pet and hit Y to have just that pet follow
    “U” orders following pets to wander again, starting from the targeted block
    “I” orders pets to stay at the target block
    These hotkeys are all reassignable
    Pets will stay within fence enclosures if set to wander