Hello, young and new players! I am not good at writing guides, though I can usually answer most questions - so most of what I want you to do is read some other bits of information out there and get acquainted with the basics of the game. There are, however, some things to say - don't worry too much right when you start, about Mastery Rank 1-4, with things like doing really well in high end content, or competing for kills/damage or anything like that. Focus on getting some decent weapons and maybe a Warframe or two that can help you kill things, become more aware of the game and learn about it during this time. Most importantly, do not waste forma or Orokin Catalyst/Reactor (Gold or Blue potatoes, as they are commonly called) on low end weapons - plan ahead. With your free platinum, you should most likely spend this on things like weapon or Warframe slots - you are very limited in that regard. As you progress and get to 4-8, more and more weapons unlock and are available for use - this is where you should be focusing on getting the really good weapons, mods, Warframes, and really aiming to make some good builds. Getting prepared to be a solid addition to any group rather than that guy who is still new and learning. 8 and beyond is a lot of leveling stuff for mastery fodder, all that useless junk you left behind - no, seriously, NEVER sell off a Warframe, weapon, or companion before getting it to level 30. Now then, some guides that should help: Quick Guide - For Newbies and Everyone by TygrysZmija Mods 2.0 Wiki - Read for everything on mods Weapons Wiki Page - read below Alright, so I will always recommend reading wiki pages on many subjects, however the wiki isn't always accurate - and we kinda face that issue with the Weapons page (that link specifically takes us to the Mastery Rank requirements that I want to touch on) and how inaccurate it is. Example, the Akzani, I'm fairly certain, is not a MR0 weapon but is labeled as such with a question mark. Moving on - some weapons I might suggest to use in those early 1-4 ranks: Braton Latron Seer (lots of RNG grinding) Lex Mire Cronus Kunai Karak (Grakata also fun if you can get Stabilizer) Galatine 4-8 is when things start opening up and becoming fun.... Nikana (to turn into Dragon Nikana at MR8) Amprex Marelok Ogris Soma Penta Dual Ichor Scoliac Opticor Phage The list can go on and on, truly, there are a lot of fun things out there - but this can be a start, at least. This is assuming, also, there is minimal to no void farming/playing, especially considering higher tier voids are much more difficult than they used to be.