[Guide]Syndicates and You

Discussion in 'Warframe' started by Supplice, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. Supplice

    Supplice He who flatters his superiors, betrays them. Council Member

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    For most of this I will be linking to a pretty nice and helpful guide found on the Steam community as well as the Wiki page which has some of the most useful information, but I wanted to add in some of my own comments for newer players that may be of some help. Syndicates unlock at Mastery Rank 3 and are found at the console directly to the left of your starmap on the Liset - they are absolutely worth working towards, however it doesn't necessarily mean as soon you hit MR3 you should be working towards maxing some groups out. Take some time to research and learn about them and pick 3 groups out because how it works is, essentially, you can level either the left three (Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda) OR the right three (Perrin Sequence, New Loka, Red Veil) to max. The choices you make will be completely your own, it has no direct impact on other players, clans, or alliances, however certain groups give their own specific, exclusive rewards. Some things of theirs you can trade for with other players, such as augment mods and weapons, so if you want EVERYTHING don't be too worried about it - you could always go for the 3 that give the most beneficial items for you and trade for the rest.

    Some things to keep in mind:
    • As soon as a syndicate hits -1 rank, it will start sending death squads after you - kinda like the Stalker, Zanuka, or G3. Watch out for flashing lights and a face popping up on screen, eximus enemies are coming. -2 just means more of them and stronger.
    • You must provide a sacrifice for every rank up, even from -2 to -1, -1 to 0, 0 to 1 and so on.
    • You must wear a specific syndicate sigil to gain rep for that syndicate. It is recommended to get a new sigil that gives you extra rep with each rank up as the free reward.
    Onto some guides:
    Syndicates: Alliances / Values / Offerings by Dzajareee of Balkan Prime Falcons
    Syndicate Wiki