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RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD, ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY POTATO PIRATE! .... Only to say he can't game with us. How sad.
Im very excited to see if there are any huge changes to WvW. It has started to become stale so this expansion is just in time. The release of the Revenant class will already shake up group comp, whether it will be the go to OP class (the new guardian) in a hammer train or the ultimate roaming ganker (the new thief). The class itself is the most interesting concept Ive ever seen in any MMO and brings history of GW1 back from the dead so that it is actually important now and plays a role in the modern world. What Im most excited for is specializations. This will completely shake up meta builds and be like having a whole new class with a new focus and build for each class. New traits and skills? Yes please. I cant wait and Im so sick of the berserker meta, I really hope this kills it for good and I hope the specializations still make sense and dont break the class and its original playstyle and purpose. Masteries will be a Maguuma Jungle only thing, like most of the content they mentioned (gliders, precursors, armor). Always nice to have new PvE goals to work for but really isnt game changing and none of that stuff will probably carry outside of the new zones so meh. A vertical map will be very interesting. I love jumping puzzles and I think this will be fun as long as its not as annoying as Dry Top. It sounds like most of the areas will be dynamically working together as a whole and that is what I love best about GW2, the world is always alive and changing depending on what happens around you and what you choose to do about it. Also very excited to see guild halls and if it will add any new guild challenges like epic boss battles and dungeon runs to the mediocre guild missions system. I feel the GvG mode will be a letdown as it sounds like a little larger scale PvP match that is even more PvE orientated. All we need is a ranked 25v25 open field arena with stat track rankings, not a damn moba... Which leads me to the new PvP and WvW maps. Im not impressed at all. All I wanted was new maps (a simple change of scenery) but it sounds like they will ruin it with PvE. That is what EOTM is and its a joke for a reason. Dynamic events dont serve a purpose in a competive environment. The 4 borderland system right now is the best for competition. Having the new map replace EBG would be a nice change since we need a fourth map to not care about and have fun on and EBG is a map. But if they remove BLs as they stand now Ill be fucking pissed. Goodbye hardcore guild raids and server reputation...hello casual PvE scrubs farming more achievements. PvE, PvP, and WvW modes are clearly sperated for a reason. They each have their own hardcore communities and should never be mixed into a single game mode.
And also, people going crazy over mention of precursors. This is all hypothetical. As I imagine it, mastering a crafting profession will unlock a collection. Craft everything in that collection and get rewarded with a precursor. So as of now, spend 200-400g to get crafting to ascended level 500, then craft all possible weapons both exotics and ascended to unlock each in your collections, then get rewarded a precursor. Were talking hundreds if not thousands of gold here. It would be way cheaper to buy the legendary straight up with todays market than to spend the same amount on just a precursor alone. Most people can get a precursor with about 500 rares in the forge, which is much cheaper. My advice? Max all crafting professions before the patch because the price after precursor collections will skyrocket. Save all your mats now as they will be in high demand and prob double in price and break the market. Be fully geared in exotics by the expansion, prices will skyrocket as everyone will be buying for collections. Save your money for precursors after expansion as all precursors and legendaries are steadily dropping and old legendaries will be cheap while new legendaries will be freaking insane until everyone has their collections precursors then market will level out.
New trailer shows more of the new map and freaking dinosaurs! Map Release New Masteries Release Live gameplay tomorrow on twitch
Wasn't it a legendary I did the cash to Gold conversion on? From memory that was 500 rl dollars to buy.
Yes, with real money, a legendary would cost at the least $500. But after the new ones come out they will drop in half at least. Precursors already dropped a ton so far.
Info on the Revenant finally released! This has me more excited than ever for the class, as well as the new boons, conditions, and CCs for all classes!
New WvW Desert Borderland Map Trailer Revealed! Trailer 1 View: Trailer 2 View: Full Presentation View: I must say, I'm looking forward to playing the new map. Looks like a lot of fun.
Hmmmm, not really excited about all that grinding and the one per account limit. "We also want to better preserve the prestige associated with crafting a legendary weapon, so the new legendary weapons, and their precursors, will not be tradable. " About damn time. This should have been day one.
Get closed beta access today by farming the Maguuma Jungle for a chance of a portal stone to drop from mobs! Official Announcement
New Mesmer specialization: Chronomancer.
The guardian's specialization has been released as "The Dragonhunter" They will get a longbow it looks like with what appears to be a blinding arrow, an aoe burning, and an aoe immobilization. Very interesting... View: