How many Halo Maps do you have?

Discussion in 'Halo' started by Takimaru, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Takimaru

    Takimaru New Guy! Registered User

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    Just thought I'd bump this up onto the Halo thread, since we all started with Halo.

    I did some digging on an old hard drive and think I found about 15-25 GB worth of Halo maps, that's including Custom Edition maps for PR and JDRS. I had also found my weirdest maps where you play as Samus, Link, Sonic, and Mario, in a weird map. Even the Ba bomb (cant spell it, too lazy to Google now), from mario, raining from the sky in Blood Gulch.
  2. PsychoAco

    PsychoAco WAY STATUS: LOST Triumvir

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    Bob-omb. Come on, Acorn.
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  3. Takimaru

    Takimaru New Guy! Registered User

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    meh.... I stopped liking mario games after Mario 64
  4. Valarion

    Valarion Forgotten Legend Registered User

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    I have a lot :)

    I still play halo!

    Missed those JDRS and PR mods though.. those paved the way during the MOD era of halo ver 1.3 and 1.4 days

    Nothing beats walking in the air and shooting over 30 heat seeking rockets at peeps!
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  5. Takimaru

    Takimaru New Guy! Registered User

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    I still have a test map a [JDRS] Member made... the needles were insane... 500 Needles spread out of a single frag grenade... talk about Lag when i tossed 4 grenades
  6. Abaddon

    Abaddon Your Worst Nightmare Council Member

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    You make me wanna start playing Halo again.
  7. Valarion

    Valarion Forgotten Legend Registered User

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    Yea, those MOD days were great.

    Below are the specs of the «§T» mods that we implemented on the «§T» servers which were tweaked up versions of the orignal JDRS mods. Halo was pure chaos back in the day! :cool:

    Blood Gulch
    - Infinite Rocket Ammo.
    - C-4 Powered Nades almost like Mini-Nukes.
    - Ability to move across map at great speeds by holding the crouch button while moving in any direction.
    - Ability to walk "Inside" certain rocks and trees for campin... I mean guerilla warfare tactics
    - Fall damage is disabled. So you may eject out of a shee without dying.
    - Original Teles will shoot you up High in the sky.
    - Rocket Launcher shoots "Manually" rapid fire rockets (speed and quantity of rockets ejected depends on how fast and repeatedly player taps the fire button).
    - Rocket speed is fast and accurate, with ability to fire around 600-800 rockets a minute.
    - You have the ability to drive warthog while in the gunner position.
    - While in gunner position you will have immunity to incoming rockets, unless you are flipped and ejected.
    - Machine Gun hogs shoot "Automatic" rapid fire rockets at great speed. Up too 1000 rockets per minute.
    - Ghost also has rocket immunity properties, as long as you aren't flipped and ejected.
    - Hidden Teles to the Top of the Mountain cliff is located on top of rock by home base:
    BLUE BASE = Rock behind home base when facing enemy base.
    RED BASE = Rock left side of home base when facing enemy base.

    Death Island
    - Infinite Rocket Ammo.
    - Fall damage is disabled.
    - Ability to move across map at great speeds by holding the crouch button while moving in any direction.
    - Ability to jump super high into the sky and in any direction. More distance and height if use in conjunction with crouch mod.
    - Rocket Launcher shoots "Manually" rapid fire rockets (speed and quantity of rockets ejected depends on how fast and repeatedly player taps the fire button).
    - Rocket speed is fast and accurate, with ability to fire around 400-500 rockets a minute.
    - Fuel Rod Gun shoots multiple short range plasma nukes.
    - Shee tele has been tweaked. Teleports you to top of a tree
    - P.S. Do Not Use the Flame Thrower. It has a Gas Leak. LOL

    Ice Fields
    - Rocket Launcher shoots fast rockets.
    - Faster Ghosts
    - Hidden Teles
    - Wall Walking abilities - brings "Camping" to a whole new meaning. Just walk up anything, trees, bases, teles

    Boarding Action
    - Super Jumps so u can jump from ship to ship
    - Fast fire for rockets and unlimited ammo
    - Bridges from one ship to the next
    - No Fall Damage
    - Various teles to places
    - Tele at very bottom so u can get back up when u fall
    - Modded spawn points either on top or regular
    - Flag is at top of Map and teles replace the old flag position to get to the top

    Danger Canyon
    - Hidden Teleporters
    - Access to both top ledges via teleporters
    - Vehicles on top ledge
    - All vehicles are faster
    - Rocket Launcher shoots four rounds before reload
    - Fuel Rod Gun is more powerful
    - Turrets are rapid fire and are more powerful
    - Center Room Blocked with Bolders

    - Hidden Teleporters
    - No Fall Damage
    - Can jump down to lower level
    - Pistol is fully automatic
    - Rocket Launcher shoots four rounds before reload
    - Can drive hogs from gunner position and MC is invisible when in gunner position

    - Ghost speed is faster and MC is invisible while driving
    - No Fall Damage
    - Flame Thrower shoots tank rounds
    - Rocket Launcher shoots four rounds before reload

    - Hidden Teleporters
    - Access to both top ledges via teleporters
    - No Fall Damage
    - Vehicles on top of ledge
    - Fast Crouch Run
    - Flame Thrower shoots tank rounds

    - Hidden Teleporters
    - Access to top ledges via teleporters
    - No Fall Damage
    - Vehicles on top of ledge
    - Rocket Launcher and Rocket Hogs shoot homing rockets
    - Pistol is fully automatic

    - Wall Walking
    - No Fall Damage
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  8. Takimaru

    Takimaru New Guy! Registered User

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    I don't know if i have this map, but it was for Gephyrophobia, where you were able to walk on the bottom of map it was great for CTF. It covered top and bottom of maps