I popped into a couple of servers yesterday for the first time in a couple of months. I couldn't get into my usual server so I started without my gear and had to start from scratch. Ran through the nearest town and found myself some winter trousers, a hoodie, a beanie and some hiking boots. Yet the whole time I was losing temperature from 'I am cold' all the way down to 'I am hypothermic'. The only reason I ended up dying was because despite going through about 50 houses/industrials I never found matches to make a fire which seems to be the only thing that can warm you up. I'd had plenty to eat and drink, had taken no damage. In fact I was in perfect health and had a hatchet for melee and Mosin with about 40 rounds and a scope. I was pretty much set for any situation but the temperature ended up killing me - the last 5 minutes or so my vision was just so blurry that I had no chance of survival anyway. Does anyone know of any other ways to stay warm? I was losing temperature the entire time despite having what I would consider to be warm clothing. And does anyone know of any plans for future patches to introduce more mechanics for gaining heat (like running...did a whole lot of that). PS: It seems that waterproof clothing is waterproof for roughly no time at all when it rains (which it does a lot) so as long as it's raining I can't actually leave a building and lose temperature anyway.
I do but our server seems likely to not be back for a long time. On the plus side it's stopped raining and now I'm not dying over and over:
There are TONS of Epoch servers out there with everything you named and much more. Some vary from PvE focused to PvP focused, personally I aim for PvP and for that I suggest Overpoch because it is MUCH better than plain Epoch. Just look for a server with like ~20 players or so when you play the most and look at what scripts it runs in the title, things like Walking Zombies (if you like that), Self Blood, Tow/Lift, Heli Evac, One Resource (or whatever it's called), all that good stuff. Most servers typically keep AI only at missions these days though because roaming AI are pieces of that are near on impossible to get under control and tweaked correctly.
Cool. Need to try getting online with you or something because I tend to get bored playing on my own. PS: Status now dead. Some fellow popped out of a building at NW Airfield and filled me with fully automatic bullets. I was carrying an axe.
I wouldn't recommend Overpoch. Yes it is the "next big thing" and all the cool kids are playing it. But when you take two of the largest and most complicated mods and run them simultaneously the result is extreme lag and unplayable desync. If you must, play low pop servers because if you get into even a half full server everyone is desyncing all over the place, making it impossible to PvP when everyone is teleporting. Of course some servers are better than others but still, that's a lot of scripts for a server to deal with. I'd stick to Epoch (for building) OR Overwatch (for PvP).