So a simple "let's rebuild the media server" turned into a days-long re-installation and dead drive troubleshooting ordeal, but now that the backups are restored and I'm sitting here tweaking things some, I finally geeked out enough to customize my bash prompts in Debian. Found a neat old Reddit thread that I mined for ideas, and a generator that helped me tweak, and I came up with this for user: saiboogu@moya/var/vault 21:16:49 $ export PS1="\[$(tput bold)\]\[$(tput setaf 7)\]\u@\H\[$(tput setaf 6)\]\w\[$(tput setaf 7)\]\n\t \[$(tput setaf 2)\]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]" And this for root: root@moya/var/vault 21:16:49 # export PS1="\[$(tput bold)\]\[$(tput setaf 7)\]\u@\H\[$(tput setaf 5)\]\w\[$(tput setaf 7)\]\n\t \[$(tput setaf 1)\]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]"
nice, but for some reason I haven't figured out, I've always encountered issues with prompts that spanned multiple lines :/
I haven't had any trouble yet, but I've only spent a little time in there since changing it. Thinking I have some other hardware problem, though. :-/ Fresh debian install on drives that test good, and I'm getting lots of latency at the terminal and an almost daily hard lock up with no log evidence. Must be bad CPU, RAM or mobo I guess. Gotta scrounge for parts to swap out and test.
Thought I'd bump this Linux Geekery Thread, since I deal with mostly vSphere, RHEL, SUSE, and many other versions. But for those Linux Users trying to add a Linux server to their Windows Active Directory or Domain... This site helped me alot.. Manually joining Linux to a Windows AD
wrote a script to do it once.... but it wasn't easy :/ and it involved installing a ton of packages just to do it... samba, winbind, kerberos, and a few others at least....