So I have been invited to Prom by my ex girlfriend (we used to be very close) is it wrong to say yes?? (The gf I had dumped me) what's your opinion? Maybe I am an idiot, but I am leaning towards yes. Sent from my Space Cadet Mind
It should be the guy asking chicks to prom, bro..... But I mean if she's hot, maybe. Depends, do you want anything to come of it? Because typically hooking up with an ex again is a bad idea. If not, and she's hot, why not? You'll look pretty awesome.
I would say it's entirely situational. I don't think I know enough about you or your lifeto be able to give you advice.
No Liam don't do it. She is bad news. Sounds like she is just using you as she pleases (desperate for a date). And never say yes to a girl, the man always asks. You immediately put her in charge and make you look weak by letting her take charge. Plus I already told you to get over that girl a long time ago and find someone better because you deserve better. Oh and also, if everyone at your school knows your dated and broke up for a particular reason, and then sees you back together at a dance some time later, everyone will be thinking youre both weak and saying "Oh my god those two are back together? How pathetic.." That's how I remember people reacting to all the hopeless roller-coaster relationships in high school.