Council Members needs a name color which stands out a lot more, gray doesn't really have any character to it, and most people will think that specialist is higher. A Counter-Strike section in the PC FPS area.
Seeing as Storm was talking about there being no place for suggestions and I told him to post this here, I figure I might as well respond in it with my own.... Seeing as we can switch between skins in Preferences that I'm assuming are default skins, would really like to see a way we can make our own and send them to you guys to put up somewhere for us to switch between... 8bit, teach us how, please?! NOTE, PLEASE READ, FOR MY OWN PERSONAL SAFETY: I AM NOT SAYING I DISLIKE THIS SKIN. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I'M JUST SAYING, NOW THAT WE CAN SWITCH BETWEEN SKINS, I LIKE THE IDEA OF BEING ABLE TO DO SO INSTEAD OF STARING AT ONE ALL DAY ERRYDAY.
Second time something didn't have a place, then wound up being posted right where it belongs. Guess that means the site is laid out well but we could use more instructions. As for themes, I can't really think of a way you guys could develop one without having a spare forum to work with.
Yeah, Saib would be right about the themes. Cryzark I've added CS Series to the Forums for you. I'm not sure if I'll change any of the user title colors but thanks for the suggestion.
Under "Identities" for contact details, you oughta add one for linked in. It's likely the only social site I'll link to in forums besides steam.
On a side note, I don't think your stream is pointing correctly 8bit. I checked the stream page to find this with your name on it.
Okay, this might be an odd suggestion, but it keeps annoying me that I misremember who all is a Council member or miscount them because our list of members is kind of weird - but can we get the Staff Members tab reworked at all? I can see who the Administrators and Super Moderators are supposed to be, but there's a section noting Abaddon as Content Moderator of the DayZ section - can we get something to list all of the Specialists and something separate to list all of the Council members? I really don't like the idea of having to go through all registered members to find everyone, or scrolling through a giant list in general, just because some people may have more posts than others, or more points than others, or something like that - seems silly. And I just noticed there's a thing off to the side showing staff members... But it's not the same, when you're trying to quickly find council members/specialists!
"Staff Members" is a separate thing than all the user groups, and 8bit and I have been trying to apply it to all the Specialists and up. Agreed that the staff page could use some work - that was a mod that is kinda mediocre, and I'm not sure yet what other options are out there. That Abaddon moderator thing is actually not entirely right either -- We intend for all specialist to be moderators, but initially we thought we would make it game-specific. Turned out to be more difficult than it was worth worrying about. Another thing regarding managing and identifying staff -- presently that falls on just Sandy, 8bit and I -- And I don't think either of us have really sat down and shown Sandy how to work it all. I'm investigating mods that will get usergroup management into the hands of the Council members, which should make upkeep of permissions easier.
Well, I think I found the issue - it was bigger than 50 kb, but I wasn't being told a size limit until I started making it smaller. Now I think it's too small to work properly, but if I keep it at the recommended 200x200, it's a whopping ~500 kb. Aie, aie, aie.
Welp, now I'm lost on ideas - it still acts like it was earlier, uploading but not moving. Earlier it was moving only on my profile page, and still way too small to see it.