[NGD] Gorian: night. Pray / wish me luck / send me good vibes for the interviews {PR}White Glint: I told you good luck already! {PR}White Glint: I'm atheist man, I don't pray! [NGD] Gorian: aha, fair enough {PR}White Glint: What'll I pray to? Mendicant Bias? [NGD] Gorian: heh, that's why I gave you options! Rofl [NGD] Gorian: I thought atheists pray to Niel DaGrasse Tyson [NGD] Gorian: lol {PR}White Glint: Nah, Mendicant Bias all the way. {PR}White Glint: Now come back with a job or when you get DayZ working I'm dive bombing you with an osprey. I'm turning into Robby.....