We need to add a Space Engineers forum for us space architects! I know a few of us play it and if you haven't you should try it! You can get it on Steam. It would be nice to have a section for us to notify other players of latest game updates, show off screenshots of our glorious creations, and a wiki for crafting help (this game is pretty complex and confusing if you don't know what you are doing).
Bump And I just found out that they finally released server files for dedicated servers, so what would you say about putting up a PR Space Engineers server? Dedicated Server Instructions THIS COULD BE YOUR NEXT OBSESSION @Sandbag
I had one up aaages ago. Keep up with the times. If you weren't so addicted to your effeminate thief, you'd know this. How many people interested, and what type? Sissy server or hardcore server? sent through the air using science
You what? And you didnt tell me? Shame on you. I never knew they released dedicated server files til right now. I havent played it in months so its probably changed a lot. It would be fun if there were more than me that wanted to play. Dunno who all has it or wants to play.
I must have returned it, because I bought it in Alpha? @Abaddon - Hard mode has meteor showers enemy NPCs, also mining, and ore refining. and this: "Survival mode comes with a set of new game scenarios: Crashed Red Ship, Two Platforms, Lone Survivor"
And I bought it, so at least 3 others do? I know Yarler has it and that one guy I forgots name who had a rad beard like Sandy.
idk i haven't been on in awhile but if anyone wants to still play i would be very excited to join in/