So this sucks ass. I have steam for Linux and the only games it will let me carry over are Awesomenauts Rust Sanctum 2 Sigh Bye bye Arma, Warframe, DayZ and more :'(
You can install the other games as well. You just have to run them non-natively - those games are the only ones you have that will run natively.
Just dualboot with Bootcamp with a pirated version of Win7 strickly for games....Um I mean who would ever do something like that!!!
I dont steal. If i wanted to i could easily install win7 ultimate legit. Cheap sir you are Sent from my Space Cadet Mind
Server OSes often have long trial periods. I ran Server 2008R2 as a desktop OS for a year once, on the trial, using the rearm instructions on the Microsoft trial website. That would still be a good light game install, with some tweaks.