I was looking over at the Team Warfare League site, and I saw that they now have some fairly popular BF4 ladders going on. Three 5v5 and two 10v10. Rules here: http://www.teamwarfare.com/rules.asp?set=BF4+Ladder+Rules Anyone else interested?
As opposed to CS:GO or any other online multi, for that matter. disclaimer: my above comment in no way changes my firmly held opinion that EA should rot in hell for destroying the BF franchise.
Every modern online multi AAA these days is bug hell. Fast release cycle to maximize sales. AAA status - which is all about the size of the distribution contract - means every release sells like hell regardless of playability because of marketing. Buying primetime advertising and pre written reviews is cheaper than retaining devs past release.
Not as bad as the massive amount of freezing/crashing problems BF4 has though. I don't think a league can really get very far without serious complications until some patching is done.