So, nothing really new, just a clarification for user purposes. All TeamSpeak specialists, including Council Members will have either a "Server Admin" or "Teamspeak Moderator" group in TeamSpeak, to differentiate users who's purpose is to manage TeamSpeak, so that we don't end up in a situation where people just run to the nearest council member. If a council member or tri is available and a dedicated TeamSpeak specialist isn't, feel free to ask for help, but we want to encourage people to run up the hierarchy in TeamSpeak issues, just like any other PR server.
TeamSpeak Server Administration Policy Notification
Discussion in 'Frontpage News' started by Gorian, Apr 28, 2014.
Discussion in 'Frontpage News' started by Gorian, Apr 28, 2014.
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM