Terraria 1.2.4 (With Server update!)

Discussion in 'Frontpage News' started by ConstructionZombie, May 10, 2014.

  • by ConstructionZombie, May 10, 2014 at 7:38 PM
  • ConstructionZombie

    ConstructionZombie Local Resident "Guy" Triumvir

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    More info on this at http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/1-2-4-changelog.143548/

    Along with this update I have (in a very timely manner) updated the server. This, however, means I have very little ingame control of what is going on, because TShock isn't up to date with 1.2.4. Once that comes out I'll let you guys invite friends, but for now, use the password to the "{PR} Clan Members" to access the server. This should give some incentive to not throw around the password so if someone drops by and enables hardcore within 3 days then I know it isn't a random person finding the server. This wont be permanent and will only last until I get TShock for 1.2.4.

    Also check by the rules really quick to get a general assessment of whats on the up an up.

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Discussion in 'Frontpage News' started by ConstructionZombie, May 10, 2014.

  1. WindTalker2005
    thanks CZ. can't wait to play on the server.
  2. Saiboogu
    This was down briefly after the migration, sorry about that. Back now. Also, looks like tshock is available now.
  3. Supplice
    For a quick update to anybody interested in playing:

    First, be sure to visit http://www.pr-gaming.net/threads/terrarirules.478/
    The server is doing okay right now - other than I'm working on auto-restarts and will make sure warning messages are up when I have the time for that. It shouldn't be pass-worded currently - TShock is running fine, safe zones are working properly or so it seems. All we ask is that those looking to join create a new character, and of course we'll be glad to help and give away gear and such, or at most come in with a character that has strictly pre-hard-mode gear.