If it was essentially the same game as Halo, and a Dreamcast launch title, I think so. Sega was a bigger player in consoles back then than MS was when it launched Xbox / Halo. Visually it may not have had the same impact, but that wasn't the big draw for Halo anyway - it was the gameplay, new (soon to become standard) control scheme and unique-at-the-time gameplay mechanics (just two weapons, grenades as an "accessory," not a seperate weapon, coop, grand scifi storyline). So it likely would have gotten the same attention and fanbase, and likely had the same impact on the industry. Of course, that all assumes it hit as a launch title, years prior to it's Xbox release. If it came out as a late title for Dreamcast while Xbox was still ramping up for a debut it probably would have flopped, and FPS gaming would look very different. Kinda interesting to consider. Halo really set the stage for the modern FPS, wonder what we would have without it? ... Well, this would have been a problem.
@Saiboogu why have you done this.. this makes me wanna look at old game magazines :'( like Nintendo Power, Retromags, Playstation, xbox, etc... the list goes on. Man I miss reading through those xD thx for the flashback Saib :3 Sent from my Space Cadet Mind
I'm pretty sure that Halo was intended for PC originally - Mac systems, more specifically, IIRC. It was called Halo 2000 and during that time Apple was trying to acquire Bungie, but Microsoft ended up picking them up. As we all know, I'm sure, Microsoft ended up completely buying Bungie later on during the Halo series (Around Halo 3 I believe?) - so, yeah. EDIT: I used to have sources that were more reliable with such information, but this is the best I can find right now - Halo 2000 - RTS, Mac, and Machete The only thing I didn't know about was the machete being intended/planned - RTS was no real surprise, looking back after Halo Wars.
#oldnews Halo's world debut was on a Mac, technically. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzrme9yWens This was just prior to them signing with Microsoft to be an Xbox launch title. Kinda funny looking at that.. Graphically it wasn't far off from what we started with. Some of the animations are funny though. And I just noticed there wasn't a single kill in that video. Wonder if that was an Apple thing, or they just didn't think the market was read to see that up front?
#oldnews? Yet you make a post on how it could have saved the Dreamcast, when it was planned for the Mac originally, but then Microsoft picked them up and took it to the Xbox as a launch title. Odd. Or maybe it's because I don't put much stock into rumors and only the evidence we can plainly see.
I was poking fun at your PC first mention, that's all. I thought that was fairly common knowledge, but the DC bit was new to me. Anyway.. Yeah, not sure about how accurate DC rumors were. I was mainly commenting on how, properly timed, that may have saved DC. sent from the nexus
Supposedly this video backs up the Dreamcast story, but I haven't watched yet: View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtG6--4r_qk http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/26n1la/when_halo_was_originally_advertised_for_dreamcast/ Bunch of interesting bits in the Reddit thread including a theory that the original Xbox was essentially DC2. I think any claim that it was official is kinda BS, but its easy to see it as a spiritual successor given the same core OS, the ahead-of-their-time focus on online play, the number of Sega titles on Xbox, etc. sent from the nexus
Watched the entire thing. Not a peep on the Dreamcast or anything aside Mac/Microsoft stuff and a lot of that back story. So, essentially, it backs up the story that it was originally on Mac (though, not released for Mac - clearly) and went to Xbox due to Microsoft buying them. Confused though, I distinctly remember there being a big thing about Microsoft buying Bungie awhile back, or so I thought - maybe it was them buying Halo and that's why they split to 343i? Pretty sure the DC thing was just a rumor. Though, I like how it was described that Microsoft was trying to make a cannon aimed at Sony, and Bungie (when being bought by them) had an opportunity to be a bullet of that cannon by releasing Halo on the Xbox. Maybe that explains some of those Sega titles?
I think you're recalling them breaking of again. Microsoft grabbed them probably right after this video, abs they rushed the port for release 14 months later. Bummer about DC being a rumor. It's always been a favorite of mine, wish Sega hadn't bungled their hardware division so bad. sent from the nexus
Ah Halo, one of the games I truly long for. There are so many memories I can tell you guys. When I was younger I used to always wanted to go to my Uncle's playlce cause he hd it for the PC (dont remember which one.. maybe @Abaddon remembers) used to play it and never wanna get off. Other stories like the one with the swords for xbox. Remebr when I was at my cousin shawns place and he was in a Warthog and I unknowingly flew over him with a Banshee and he did that sword glitch where it makes you fly and he jacked the Banshee at the top of the map and fell to my death. Man was I pissed then. Awesome memories. Halo 2000, I remember something about that reading in a old Mag. Years ago though. Halo is the only game that I have actually ever considered to better than my favorite game series COD. I know there are cod haters. But Back when I hadmy old PS3 back on Geohot's 3.55 Custom Firmware I held hacked lobbies. Etc. I know hacking is frowned upon but I gave everyone hacks (infections) all hell would break loose in lobbies. I had so much fun back then. Sent from my Space Cadet Mind