The Trading Post section exists for members to post any deals they would like to make - Wanting To Buy (WTB), Wanting To Sell (WTS), or Wanting To Trade (WTT) can all be abbreviations or 'prefixes' for titles of posts if you have something in mind when making the post - if not, feel free to make a post without any kind of prefix, only stating things you want, and try to work out a deal! As I'm sure you can see, other such members have done such things and it has worked out for them. Just DON'T try to scam anybody (much less succeed at it), and try to make reasonable deals with your fellow clan members - but keep in mind on the other side of that coin, just because you bought something from somebody for 20 plat and found out later somebody else got it for 12 plat doesn't mean anybody will do anything about it. If the typical going price is 20 plat, we'll stand by that deal.
If you are kind you would just give something to a person if you have extra Sent from my Space Cadet Mind
I think that's something we've all been trying to do, at most trading extra things for other extra things unless we desperately need something, but this is setting up for when it's time to start recruiting - because I doubt we'll be filling up with people who just want to give away everything for free.