World Name: us.pr2 - survival - Password given per request (All PR Members have access) World Owner/Head Admin: Abaddon Admins: TBD Mods:TBD Discord Server Features: World updated to R31 (Created 3/11/2016 on R29) Password Protected New players locked to visitor (Request Build Permission) PvP Enabled Explosions Enabled Hostile Mobs Mode Land Plots Enabled Recipes Do Not Carry Over Rules: No racist or homophobic comments or slurs/slang. No bullying/harassment of any kind will be tolerated. No griefing players, their storage, farms, or any structures built by anyone other than yourself. No griefing the world with unnecessary destruction or uncontrollably corrupting the surface. No hacking or exploiting. No spamming or advertising in chat. Please only speak English. Show respect to everyone in our community. Be friendly to you neighbors and have fun! Any issues with players or the world should be reported in the Player/World Reports thread. All bans/kicks will be documented.