I just now checked this, this is really cool. I'm going to keep this up while commanding as it shows RI and stuff.
Try that Overwolf app too, can't remember the name but it's pretty awesome. Sent from Tapatalk on Android
I couldn't get the timers to work. They didn't represent what was actually on the map? sent through the air using science
Overwolf? Can not recommend. Had to install it to have SOME KIND of overlay for TS, and since installing it Warframe has been super buggy (weapon not working, character running in one direction, etc) and turning it off fixes all the issues magically. Would not recommend. I believe there was another similar 3rd party program I tried some time back and some others did awhile, I believe it was called Evolve? It was similar, not sure if it was QUITE like Overwolf but not nearly as buggy. Will look around when I wake up, have things to do now that I can't help with click wars anyway. Seems good apps like these are too hard to find these days unless you have a keyboard with an LCD display....
I don't have too much trouble with Overwolf and all the overlays work fine for me. Which one did you try Sandbag because some of the apps were broken and some worked. Sent from Tapatalk on Android
This is the timer I use. Click "for games" or search "gw2" to find it. All timers start at 0, and aren't updated until they are reset while you are in the borderland. So you will have to play for a little while until all the RI's have been reset for them to show up correctly in game. http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/...reenshots/2014-07-12_16-06-59_zps2a88898d.jpg I also highly recommend this for PvE if you want to get in your daily world boss chests. http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/...reenshots/2014-07-12_16-15-17_zps360386bc.jpg And this for crafting http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/...reenshots/2014-07-12_16-16-33_zpsf50dd844.jpg